Sensors - Motion
EyeZen TP vT
KNX motion detector with luminosity sensor for ceiling mounting
Motion detector with luminosity sensor for ceiling mounting, with a detection area of 360º and up to 6 meters diameter. It includes several channels to be configured for constant luminosity regulation, lighting switching control according to luminosity threshold or according to motion detection only. Sensor sensitivity settings can be adjusted and luminosity can be calibrated to the working environment values. Master/slave configuration allows using several detectors for larger areas. Flush mounted. Available in white (ref. ZPDEZTPVTW) and anthracite (ref. ZPDEZTPVTA) colors.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The production of this product, EyeZen TP vT, has been discontinued, since it has been replaced by EyeZen TP v2 (Ref. ZPDEZTPV2), including the same and even greater functionality. However, this discontinued device counts on all the support that may be required: manuals, databases, spare parts and technical support.
Update ETS5/ETS6 with the last version to be able to import the product.
Update ETS5/ETS6 with the last version to be able to import the product.
Application Program ETS
Only for ETS5/ETS6 (see Warning).
Technical Documentation