Touchscreens and capacitive touch switches - Capacitive touch switches

Tecla 55 X1/X2/X4/X6

Backlit capacitive touch switch (55 x 55 mm)

REF: ZVIT55X1/X2/X4/X6

Family of flush fitting polycarbonate capacitive touch switches with customisable icons, to be combined with 55 x 55 mm frames and Zennio ZS55 switches and sockets. 1, 2, 4 or 6-button versions all available with backlit icons that adapt according to ambient luminosity and proximity sensor. It incorporates a thermostat and one input for temperature probe. Installation in standard back box with 55 x 55 1 to 4-gang frames.

Frame not included.

Accessories: temperature probe.

On-line application for designing your own Capacitive Switch.

Application Program ETS

Only for ETS5 (see Warning).


Update ETS5 with the last version in order to be able to import the product.