Energy efficiency - Electric meters
KES Plus
KNX Electrical energy meter
Zennio electrical energy meter for single-phase or three-phase systems. It can measure and notify in KNX system, not only the consumed or produced energy (KWh), but also the associated cost according to 6 different tariffs, the CO2 emissions, instant active and reactive power, power factor and other information related with the use of electric energy in the building. Alarms and notifications can be configured as warnings when power exceeds the limits established, for example, to disconnect low priority systems to reduce consumption. In addition, 10 logical functions are added to enlarge the versatility of the automations in KNX system. Only compatible with Zennio Current Transformers. Accessory: Current transformer ZN1AC-CST60, ZN1AC-CST120 and 9900045.

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